Saturday, February 28, 2009


Why do people stereotype? Are they stupid? Should they be offended that I'm saying this?

I was stereotyped today, and I was really offended. I was born in my hometown, Richmond. A small city, with a BIG, MAJOR group of Asians. And yes, I am one of them. But no, I am not some typical, super smart, good at math, diligent student, who studies my butt off just to suck up to my parents, Chinese girl! I admit, I actually enjoy going to school and learning everyday. I REALLY do! But that doesn't mean I get good marks because I have "super Asian math genes". What the heck?! It got me so ANGRY. Just because I understand what we are currently learning in chemistry, doesn't mean I am really smart. So what, I got 100% on a couple of math tests doesn't mean I've got "Asian math skills". And just because I don't "look CBC" (Chinese born Canadian), doesn't mean I'm a typical Asian in Richmond; and it doesn't mean people can stereotype Asians from Richmond either! No one deserves to this type of discrimination. Sure, it doesn't seem so serious, but for some reason, hearing this said to me got me really pissed off! I couldn't believe my ears! If he's saying that to me, which he's a CBC himself, is he unintentionally implying that CBC's can't get good marks in school because we're not "Asian enough"??? What nonsense! He doesn't know me at all. He doesn't know my story...maybe I don't "look CBC" for a reason. Maybe it's because I was born here, even though I didn't get to choose, and all the Chinese people decided to settle themselves in Richmond over the past years and I was forced to go to a school who had "good" educational results because that school is full of "smart Asians" who go to great universities after they graduate. (And MOST of the time, it doesn't matter how great the university is, just like it doesn't matter how good the school you go to is, it depends on the programs that are it provides and the person/student who takes it or go there! Some parent, even students, need to realize this. No one can help students except themselves.) Geeez....something's people just have no idea. They have no right to say such stereotypical things to people, but yet they still do.

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