Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just is just...

Best to introduce myself, I suppose. I have much to say, but my character is really lazy. To start, I am a real person; a real average person. I sort of fit, that is a lie. I don't always fit in, but I'm rather fine with that. I was born and raised in a small city in British Columbia. I am born Canadian of another ethnicity: Chinese. I am proud. I represent, and I stand strong for what I believe in (which, whatever it is, I am still debating to myself about). I live with my family: my daddy, my mommy, and my little sister, Jasmine (my one-heck-of-an-annoying flower). I currently attend high school and the number of friends that I have are...well, you can count with one hand and five fingers. I do not overuse/overate the word 'love', because I honour the true meaning of it. I LOVE my entire family and everyone related to me. It is them that I am FOREVER grateful because they exist as part of my life now. My friends, who I simply call 'friends', are extremely important to me; I'd actually like them to stay close to me even when we all grow old and wrinkly (I do not like the words 'best' with friends, because it seems like prioritizing them) - to all, whom I love, stand on equal stage to me.

A little more?

I like YouTube - freedom of expression - art. Converse and jeans and a t-shirt - my favourite combo (I do not prefer tight fit clothes). I am a VERY forgetful person...I really need to emphasize on 'very'...EXTREMELY FORGETFUL!!! I can text so fast, my daddy considered putting me into that speed texting contest (golly). I like to swing my legs or let them dangle - I am not short, I am just a little height-below-average-challenged. I absolutely cannot sit still - it kills me. I want to do many things as I grow older. I have a lot of dreams. Being a bartender is one of them. I want to learn latin, german, greek, korean, japanese, italian, and the list goes on. I want to dig for dinosaur bones. I want to visit egypt and the King Tut's tomb. I want to see the egyptian museums and see all the great pyramids. I want to learn the different cultures and traditions of the languages I learn, and the way they think. Surprisingly, despite my terrible memory, which only started about a year ago, I still remember some events from when I was a baby. I'm an impatient person. But when I set my mind to it, I can really get myself interested. Which, at the same time, makes me really indesicive. If I had one wish from a magiv genie (I don't believe this will ever happen), I'd like to go back in time and continue figure skating. Giving it up is the biggest regret of my life. I also get carried away a lot, as you can probably tell by now...but I'll try not to after this. But I get distracted easily. Life is not's not. I am amazed by fireworks. They're tremendous. And I am Chinese-Canadian. I love beer and I love the thrill of watching hockey. I'm more of a tomboy then a girly-girl. You wouldn't catch me in pink...anymore...but that'd be a long story.

Should we celebrate only one day of the year with people around us who we are grateful for? I don't think so. Thanksgiving Day...eating turkeies, singing songs, sitting near the fire...that typical image of Thanksgiving Dinner is so imaginable and so heart warming. But that's only when we hear 'Thanksgiving'. Do we take some time each day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year, and 365 days, to consider how grateful we are for everything we have around us. I watch those materialistic people shop around, those greedy people asking for more, those teenagers who ask for drama in their life, because it seems essential for them in high school. They have no idea about the world out there. The world that is so big, they have no clue how small they are. And yet, they hope and pray for something to happen to them or for them because they are the center in their world. Reality check: this world belongs to no one. What right do they have to ask for more, when really, they should be happy with eveything that's already in front of them. Do they see the members of their family around them who are there because of them? No. Do they see the people who are kind to them because (maybe) there are actually kind people in this world? No. Do they see the clothes they wear that are worn in place for it's cover the body? No. Do they feel appreciative for the shelter or roof they are under even though many others outside are freezing under the sky? No. But if so, do they realize how lucky they are? They...we...have no idea.

But then again, what is there to expect? We're only human, it's natural. Otherwise how would evil exist? And I'm only human. I'm just speaking. Afterall, I could be insane. But aren't we all? Well, who am I to say?

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