Sunday, February 22, 2009


I'm sure you're all familiar with the popular song by Jason Mraz "I'm Yours". The tune's pretty creative, the acoustic is quite the catch and the lyrics are relative to many us, I'm sure (even though their vague). Nearly everyone's in love with this song. Except me...
No, I'm lying. Here's my secret: I like "I'm Yours" and Jason Mraz is someone I would definately fall for. Call me shallow, but he looks pretty cool to me.

I've been thinking a lot about life. This hasn't been recent. Actually, it started about a year ago, when I met my true friend, Tiffany (I don't like using her name here, so she'll be known as Tif). I can't say that I've learned many things from her; but she has affected in a big way. In a REAL big way. (Just for random: I just remembered should be working on my geography article assignment right now which is due for Monday) Tif's been a big part of my life since then. She made me realize so many things on my own. The importance of my family and everything around me. The importance of my independence, and who I am as a person. There's a reason behind everything I do. And everything happens for a reason. This reminds me of my past. How regretful yet grateful for my past. If not for that, I don't know what I will be today. If such a past had no existed for me, I wouldn't know anything right now. But this is what I hate. How difficulties had gotten me here, now - the place, the stage in my life, that I love and appreciate most of all. (Haha, I realize I may not even be making sense right now) A stupid, naive, real clueless girl. All girls goes through this stage. It's just part of life, I guess. And yes it is real harsh. A girl's life's just gotta have drama. A girl's life's just gotta have a cute purse and cute shoes. A girl's life's just gotta have boys to talk about - not the nerdy ones, oh no, just kidding. The real cute ones, who we like to dream and giggle at ourselves about. Ugh, yeah, sure, real cute. Or not! And a girl's life's just gotta be included in those parties with lots of older people to flirt around with and be wild. Yea sure sure, but why all those things? Why must girl's all go through this? Shit...the drama, man! It get's really annoying. And those backstabbing so-called 'friends'? What the heck was I thinking?? Calling them 'friends'. I use to have many many friends. MANY, in this small city. Everywhere I go, I'd see someone I know..uh, that's just someone I've seen, not 'know'. Anyway, I'm really not getting anywhere with this because I'm sleepy, and I'm getting off track and I'm not thinking straight. I feel like going for a jog right now, but it's 12:30AM. Haha, I am ridiculous sometimes.

"There's no need to complicate, our time is short"
- Jason Mraz, I'm Yours

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