Sunday, March 8, 2009

Moving on...

My two cousins are entering the next chapter in their life. Sherman, 28 (I think) has just ended a 4 year long relationship with a girl. I really liked her. She was great company and a wonderful friend to our family. After she went back to her hometown, he was forced to a dilemma; both choices is unwanted. Finally, they broke up and I respect them. It's sad for me to see Sherman in this state. I could tell he really loved her. And it would've been nice if she became my cousin-in-law but things don't always turn out the way we want eh? They used to share rent for an apartment in Burnaby, but since she left, Sherman bought a condominium near his work and our entire familys' proud of him. Yesterday, when we were all having dinner together, my aunt talked about how great of a bachelor my cousin is, considering the state that our economy is in. (It's hard to explain how I feel about this...looking at his face when she said this.) I remember when we were little kids, he would take us all youngin's to the theatre, playlands and amusement parks, and we'd go shopping; that was ages ago.
Stephanie, 26, is quitting her full-time job (in this "economic depression"), selling her car, moving out of their cheap apartment in Vancouver and moving to Australia for a year at the end of March for schooling with her room mate. I admire my cousins so much. I feel like I'm getting old just because I turning 17 next Wednesday. I look up to my cousins. They do a lot of things I'd like to do as I grow older. I can do that and so much more as well! It just takes time and patience. Which I don't have at all...

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