Monday, March 9, 2009

"Feels like I'm starting all over again..."
-Goodbye To You, Michelle Branch

I'm about to turn 17. And it feels like it was just yesterday that I was nervous over 16...year after year, they keep a steady pace with us. Sometimes it seems so fast and sometimes it seems slow. Different for everyone eh...time is innocent and it's precious. We should cherish all that we have around us. If the time now, isn't at all what you should cherish, then think forward into your future and make whatever you want to happen happen.

To all women, who experienced suffering and pain, in this world: I love you. I love you ALL for existing, so that I (and hopefully, many other people) can learn your story and respect you. Know that I respect every one of those you have experienced anything at all. It is because you girls experienced it, that I feel stronger, inspiring me to want to continue to know and acknowledge so much more.

"I'm getting old..." - We've all got a first time in our lives when we first said this. My first time was 2 years ago when I was 15 turning 16. I'm stupid for saying that, because obviously I'm not getting old, I'm just growing of age; there's such a big difference...

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