Wednesday, July 1, 2009


My glasses are slipping off my nose from beads of sweat. I refuse to remove them though because I like the advantage of seeing things clearly--to be able to see the physical being of everything as clarity is key. It's tiring, however, and I'm sick of having to balance and adjust them as they continue to slide off--out of focus for me. The choice of whether to be able to have everything under a focus, or see everything the way my abilities lead me to see... I have two options: to leave my glasses on despite the disadvantage of putting this burden to my face or simply take them off, and just deal with my weak-point.

But I can't just let my abilities be, you see. I want to be able to see everything for real, under a focus, so I can see the truth in the physical and let my mind wander, to believe whether the physical is just a cover or not. I refuse to be blinded my disabilities and unclear of surroundings. I want to know.

On the other hand, knowing isn't that great at all. That's an advantage to my disability. Sometimes, the truth can hurt. I hate Hurt. It is like falling off a building for me, either or, I cannot put my hands in front of me and pretend death is not going to come--because it will. I can leave my hands wherever they fall, but death will still take me. I cannot avoid, once I know the truth. Which contradicts everything I've just written (I tend to contradict myself way too much). I want to avoid.

So should I remove my glasses or no?

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