Monday, June 1, 2009

I Hate This About Me

I can't believe it's June 1st already. Yesterday was just the first day of school, and the 2nd, and 3rd, and's so hard to accept that majority of my few numbered friends will be gone from the school by coming September. I do not want them to leave. I wish time could freeze, despite all the crammed due dates and busy exam schedules--I don't care, I want to stay with my friends forever.

"People change, nobody will stay forever because of you. You must catch up." But I cannot do this. It's heartbreaking. I feel so attached: so few, but so close, I don't want to give them to this selfish world. Ironic, eh? While I want to keep them all to myself, I call the world selfish. What can be done?

If it works, I'd ask them to stay with me. To keep up with me and stay in touch, because I can't be the person to do so--and I hate this about myself.
